"Gua cukup takut bila Sinaganaga berfikiran macam ni. Sebenarnya gua cukup takut bila Sinaganaga berfikir. Sinaganaga memang serba boleh, dan mempunyai misai yang sungguh jantan, tapi berfikir bukanlah kekuatannya." - Sufian Abas.

04 November 2004

Rashid Bulan explain BANDWIDTH

"Macam ni la BRO. Let say engkau datang kerja naik Monorail. Sekarang nih monorail tuh ada dua gerabak dan boleh bawak maksimum 150 penumpang pada sesuatu masa = The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time.

Tetiba ada pesta kat KL dan ramai sangat orang nak naik Monorail tu = ramai sangat orang nak access engkau punya website (popular).

Tapi monorail cuma boleh bawak 150 orang jer at one time = bandwith limitation.

Jadi engkau kena tunggu next Monorail (termenung kat stesyen) = "your website have reached the bandwith limit".

So the best solution is to have wider band = tambah gerabak supaya lebih ramai boleh naik = ramai yang boleh access pada sesuatu masa."

Aku gelak. Mengekek. Dia tahu aku naik LRT. Dan dia tahu, kalau dia guna sample LRT ke, MONOREL ke, KOMUTER ke - aku akan lebih cepat 'tangkap'.

(1) A range within a band of frequencies or wavelengths.

(2) The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually expressed in bits per second(bps) or bytes per second. For analog devices, the bandwidth is expressed in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).

The bandwidth is particularly important for I/O devices. For example, a fast disk drive can be hampered by a bus with a low bandwidth. This is the main reason that new buses, such as AGP, have been developed for the PC.

Aku belajar satu: MatJan, kau kena TAMBAH GERABAKlah!!!


Blogger Tok Rimau said...

Semoga sahabat mu tabah menghadapi penyakit.

November 05, 2004 8:56 PG

Blogger hasbabu said...

Naga, tu kalu citer komputer network. Kalu elektronik lain plak!

Dalam electronic communication, bandwidth tu disebut width of the range (or band) of frequencies that an electronic signal uses on a given transmission medium. Dalam sini, bandwidth disebut in terms of the difference between the highest-frequency signal component and the lowest-frequency signal component. Since the frequency of a signal is measured in hertz (the number of cycles of change per second), a given bandwidth is the difference in hertz between the highest frequency the signal uses and the lowest frequency it uses.

November 09, 2004 9:59 PG


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